
In 1996, the firewalkers from Fiji were invited to perform and share the art of walking on fire at the Polynesian Cultural Center. For many of us it was our first time witnessing the legendary fire walk. There was a lot of excitement and buzz throughout the community and many around the island were privileged to witness it.

I have to admit that I thought that there must be some type of trick they used not to get burnt. How could any human body withstand the heat and come out unscathed and no apparent sensation of pain? From a distance, it looked easy and simple to do. But as I went near the fire pit, those stones were real and blistering hot enough to fry my fingers.

It is said that this ancient religious ceremony often requires great strength and discipline of the mind, body and spirit. Participants must observe strict traditional protocols before walking on the white-hot stones. For two weeks before the fire walking ceremony there must be no contact with women and eating coconuts is forbidden. These practices are believed to prevent severe burns to their feet.


photo by maxresdefault posted thru YouTube

When the day of the ceremony arrives, villagers dig the fire pit which they load with large river stones.  They then cover it with a log fire and let it burn for six to eight hours. At that point they level the stones, lay out a long tree fern said to contain the Spirit God to mark the entrance for the fire walkers, and spread leaves and swamp grass around the pit. Only then does the walk begin.


Impressive? Yes!

Amazing? Yes!

Certainly after watching these men slowly walk around the white hot rocks, you do wonder how on earth they do it. If you’re a skeptic, all I can say is click on the picture below to take a look at these videos available off of YouTube showcasing Fijian Firewalkers! 



Photo by bodlygosolo – posted thru YouTube 


PCC blogger, Bobby Akoi.  Originally from Keaukaha on the Big Island of Hawai’I,  his path took an unexpected turn to the little town of La’ie as student at Church College of Hawai’i.  Never in his wildest dreams did he think he’d be working at the #1 paid tourist attraction in the State of Hawaii.   Today he is the Director of Protocol & Community Relations for the Polynesian Cultural Center.  He is married to Hiromi and has 4 children.