As the saying goes, “It takes a village to raise a child,” and this couldn’t be truer for the making of the Huki costumes. At the heart of this creative journey is Jesse Allred, the seamstress supervisor at the Polynesian Cultural Center. Despite having no formal...
How the International Date Line got all crazy in Polynesia In December of 2011, Samoa and the neighboring island of Tokelau moved the position of the International Date Line, effectively erasing December 31, 2011 from existence. Their purpose was to align the...
There are many traditional holidays specific to the culture and history of Polynesia. However, because Christmas is among the most celebrated holidays on the earth, this holiday is also celebrated by many Polynesian families. As we know, Christmas was introduced by...
Curious about the cultural exhibits at the Polynesian Cultural Center? Did you know that each island village has a number of exhibitions on how they constructed their homes and the significance of various objects in their culture? Our six island villages of...
A cooking exhibit highlighting traditional Tahitian Coconut Bread has been demonstrated in the Tahiti Village at the Polynesian Cultural Center for decades. The ingredients and presentation are simple, the taste is simply amazing. We’ve shared the recipe with our...
Honoring the cultures of Polynesia The Polynesian Culture Center is impressive. A quick Google search will prove that the Center is well-noticed, deeply popular, and top-rated – and it is no secret why the Center provides an unforgettable family-friendly experience...
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