As the saying goes, “It takes a village to raise a child,” and this couldn’t be truer for the making of the Huki costumes. At the heart of this creative journey is Jesse Allred, the seamstress supervisor at the Polynesian Cultural Center. Despite having no formal...
On Monday, August 19, 2024, the Polynesian Cultural Center was honored to host one of the three paramount chiefs of Fiji and his delegation. After attending a climate change conference on Palau in Micronesia, Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu, the Speaker to the Parliament of...
When one thinks of Fiji, the image of beautiful weather, lush jungle foliage and stunning ocean often come to mind. This vibrant country consists of more than 330 islands, 110 of which are permanently inhabited and rich in natural resources. Among the rich natural...
Submitted by Kalivati Volavola, Manager and Chief of the Fiji Village, Polynesian Cultural Center and member of Tailevu USA. During the Labor Day weekend (September 1 – 3, 2023), we had one of the largest Fijian gatherings seen in Hawaiʻi. In the past 15 plus years...
The Polynesian Cultural Center is honored to have a strong connection with the beautiful island nation of the Cook Islands. In 2017, 2018, and 2019 we welcomed a delegation of performers from the Cook Islands to spend their summer sharing their culture and history at...
Atiu: A quick snapshot Let’s start with the basics. According to, Atiu Island, also known as Enuamanu (land of the birds), lies 115 miles (187 kil.) northeast of Rarotonga Island in the Cook Islands. Atiu island measures approximately 660...
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