Lomi Lomi Salmon – simplicity with flavor

Lomi Lomi Salmon – simplicity with flavor

Sometime in the first half of the 19th century Lomi Lomi Salmon became a Hawaiian staple. No one knows for sure how a dish made almost entirely of non-native ingredients came to be but the Hawaiian Time Machine Blog has one of the best explanations I’ve seen....

An Island Staple: Shoyu Chicken

Aloha! Another week has come and gone in paradise. The sun continues to shine, the clear water of the ocean and the sandy beaches of Polynesia are just as warm and inviting as ever, and the intoxicating aroma of local foods still lingers in the air. These foods are...

Lau Lau: Ancient Dish, Modern Delicacy

Over the last several weeks, we’ve been going over a lot of deserts: Haupia, Chocolate Haupia Pie, and Banana Guava Pie. All of these desserts are delicious, and certainly worth making to accompany dinners, serve as a perfect potluck contribution, or be enjoyed...