Pounding Poi

Poi pounding flavors our hula event The PCC’s Hawaiian Village routinely offers visitors the opportunity to sample poi, or even try their hand at pounding boiled taro into the famous Hawaiian staple food; but during the 26th annual Moanikeala festival this year a...

Palusami: A Samoan Staple

Photo courtesty of Boschen American Samoa Making palusami (PAW-loo-SAW-mee) is the man’s job in Samoa as is most of the traditional cooking. Anything that goes into the umu (oo-moo), a type of above-ground oven that uses red hot lava rocks to cook the food, is...

Polynesian Men Do All the Cooking?

Up and until the time I entered college, I had no idea that men do all the cooking anywhere.  Certainly not in my home, though my dad was a good cook himself.  Unfortunately, his genes never got passed down to me.  It wasn’t until I started working at the Polynesian...