‘Onipa‘a: Honoring Hawaiʻi’s Great Queen Lili‘uokalani At the Polynesian Cultural Center, we pride ourselves on providing a fun-filled adventure of culture and learning, a fully unique experience not to be missed. We love offering a day full of hands-on...
“Hawaiian Kampachi/Kanpachi, also known as Almaco Jack (Seriola rivoliana), is prized by chefs for both sushi and cuisine due to its extremely high fat content and rich white flesh. The fish is marked by a dark blue-green upper body with a lavender-tinted belly and...
Lūʻau history is steeped in ʻaloha. It is a feast, a celebration, and a connection to the bountiful beauty of Hawaiʻi Hawaii has a rich culture and history whose vibrancy continues to amaze every person lucky enough to study or visit the Islands. One prevalent...
Due to ever changing COVID-19 State of Hawaii restrictions, these Exclusive Tickets are subject to change or cancellation. The Center will contact ticket holders if any changes are necessary. There is no penalty or fee for changing your reservation due to Covid-19...
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