PCC Digital Commerce

PCC e-commerce reaches out Like millions of companies around the world, the Polynesian Cultural Center continues to expand its global reach by relying on the internet to convey information and complete sales. “The entire market is moving to online,” said Jeff Dunn,...

Teaching Hawaiian

Meet Nā’auao: Hawaiian language teacher, composer, chanter “I’ve always been interested in the Hawaiian language. I heard it growing up and knew vocabulary, but I didn’t really speak it. My grandfather, my dad’s dad, was a native speaker, but he passed away when I was...

News Around the PCC for June, 2016

TONGAN VILLAGE GRAND OPENING: The Polynesian Cultural Center will celebrate the grand re-opening of its newly renovated Tongan Village during special ceremonies on Saturday, June 11, 2016. It is anticipated that the King and Queen of Tonga will be in attendance....

How to Carve a Tiki Statue

Fun Fact: Tiki is a Maori word; ki’i is the Hawaiian equivalent, but we’ll stick with the Maori version because it’s so prevalent. Also, the plural form of Polynesian nouns in their respective languages is not made by adding S — some writers won’t even add an S when...