Exclusive tickets as the Polynesian Cultural Center reopens January 18, 2021
Due to ever changing COVID-19 State of Hawaii restrictions, these Exclusive Tickets are subject to change or cancellation. The Center will contact ticket holders if any changes are necessary. There is no penalty or fee for changing your reservation due to Covid-19...
Hannemans Tropical Banana Bread
Are you ready for Hanneman’s Tropical Banana Bread? It’s gooey, its chocolatey, it’s got COCONUT. Intrigued? Read on… Ask anyone from the town of Lāʻie, nestled at the eastern end of the famous north shore of Oahu, where to get the best...
Honoring Hamana Kalili – father of the Shaka
We are constantly asked about our “Shaka Statue”, a beautiful representation of the father of the Shaka, Hamana Kalili. In today’s blog, Jimmy Mapu, head of Guest Services at the Polynesian Cultural Center, shares a question he received and his...
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