“Hawaiian Kampachi/Kanpachi, also known as Almaco Jack (Seriola rivoliana), is prized by chefs for both sushi and cuisine due to its extremely high fat content and rich white flesh. The fish is marked by a dark blue-green upper body with a lavender-tinted belly and...
Paifala is a terrific recipe for the holidays or everyday, for that matter. It is one of my favorite Polynesian desserts, and luckily, it’s fairly easy, once you figure out how to form beautifully rounded handpies. These handheld pies are a favorite in Samoa,...
A cooking exhibit highlighting traditional Tahitian Coconut Bread has been demonstrated in the Tahiti Village at the Polynesian Cultural Center for decades. The ingredients and presentation are simple, the taste is simply amazing. We’ve shared the recipe with our...
Huli Huli Chicken is a special blend of ingredients utilizing an open flame cooking method that is popular on our Islands. For many of our returning guests, it is the go-to meal sought immediately after landing on the island. Anyone who has had a chance to taste it...
Picture this! Tropical Fruit Salsa. Intrigued? You should be! The Polynesian Cultural Center is pleased to share an amazing salsa that focuses on the bounty of fresh tropical fruits, vegetables and a little touch of spice! Perfect as a topping on fish, chicken, ribs,...
If you’re someone who loves traditional Samoan drinks, try out this recipe for Samoan Vaifala (Pineapple Drink). What is vaifala? Vaifala is a traditional Samoan drink loved by many locals and people from around the globe. To understand what vaifala means in...
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