“Hawaiian Kampachi/Kanpachi, also known as Almaco Jack (Seriola rivoliana), is prized by chefs for both sushi and cuisine due to its extremely high fat content and rich white flesh. The fish is marked by a dark blue-green upper body with a lavender-tinted belly and...
As soon as you step into the island of O‘ahu, you will captivated by the beauty of its fascinating views. When you pay more attention to the surroundings, you will feel the wind pushing you and the birds humming above you. It seems like everything is trying to take...
The Polynesian Cultural Center is excited to return to the scheduled hours, activities, etc., available throughout the park this summer. In order to make sure that you are truly prepared to have your vacation of a lifetime, we offer this blog which provides all the...
Part of any vacation is the food, but food is not just something to eat on the island of Oʻahu. It’s something to EXPERIENCE. Here are some amazing selections that range from the casual to the divine. Relax and enjoy, as we present 10 of the best Oʻahu dining...
We are excited to present our list of the Top 10 North Shore Adventures on the Island of O‘ahu! Are you ready to go beyond the big city of Honolulu and experience paradise at its’ most beautiful? Stop 1: Polynesian Cultural Center We begin our...
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